Alarum (2025) cast characters, premiere date, Budget, Box office, plot and production team

Alarum (2025) cast characters, premiere date, Budget, Box office, plot and production team

Alarum cast: Sylvester Stallone, Scott Eastwood, Willa Fitzgerald. Alarum Release Date: January 17, 2025 (US). Alarum Director: Michael Polish. In the film, Eastwood and Fitzgerald play a wedded couple, previous contract killers, who are constrained out of their calm retirement.

Alarum is an American Action-Crime movie (2024). Sylvester Stallone, Scott Eastwood, Willa Fitzgerald are the main cast of Alarum (2024). ‘ Alarum ‘, an action thrill ride coordinated by Michael Clean whose delivery in both select US theaters and on VOD will happen on January 17, 2025. Lionsgate has distributed the trailer for the film, accessible underneath.

“Foundation Grant nominee Sylvester Stallone, Scott Eastwood, Mike Colter and Willa Fitzgerald star in this dangerous action-spine chiller around two wedded covert operatives who find themselves trapped in the focus of an international intelligence network that will persevere relentlessly to catch a basic resource. Joe and Lara are off-the-framework specialists whose peaceful winter retreat is broken when individuals from the privileged suspect the two might be joining a tip top maverick government operative group known as ALARUM.

Alarum Plot:

Two rebel spies go off-lattice, wed, and go under assault at their remote cabin hideout by different intel organizations seeking a taken hard drive.

Alarum Detail:

Movie: Alarum (2025)
Director: Michael Polish
Writer: Alexander Vesha
Main Stars: Sylvester Stallone, Scott Eastwood, Willa Fitzgerald
Genres: ActionCrimeThriller
Country: United States
Language: English
Release Date: January 17, 2025 (US)
Budget: $20 Million (EST)
Box office: Coming Soon
Also known As: Аларум, Alarum Movie, Alarum (2024)

Alarum Cast:

Sylvester Stallone As Chester
Scott Eastwood As Joe Travers
Willa Fitzgerald As Laura
Mike Colter
D.W. Moffett
Isis Valverde
Anton Narinskiy As Krol
Bailey Edwards As Quail
La Monde Byrd As Splinter
Beau Bommarito As Helicopter Pilot
Joel Cohen As Roland Rousseau
Abigail Spear As Poppy
Ken Strunk As Edmond
John E. Brownlee As Soldier
Kevin W. Shiveley As Paramilitary
Patrick Millin As Dimitri
Leslee Emmett As Tourist
Bret Aaron Knower As Soldier
John W. Harden As Diner
Steven Terry Walker As Tourist
Derek Polen As Soldier
Todd O’Reilly As Old Polish Man

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