Journey to Christmas cast: Scott Christopher, McKenna Flory, Jeffrey Hanson. Journey to Christmas Release Date: October 29, 2023 (Great American Family). Journey to Christmas Director: Brian Brough. Finding the perfect gift to give your beloved ones is difficult, but equally rewarding.
Journey to Christmas is an American Drama-Romance movie (2023). Scott Christopher, McKenna Flory, Jeffrey Hanson are the amin cast of Journey to Christmas (2023). Inspired to bring love and light into the world by bringing justice, peace, and hope to everyone.
We are welcoming Our Journey to Christmas with Scott Christopher. Christmas is a time of celebration and togetherness We invited some of our closest acquaintances to come along at the first Christmas dinner ever held at our new house and to have one or two glasses of the finest English sparkles.
Journey to Christmas Plot:
On a charity press tour the model is trapped by the weather at her home that she has hired a driver to assist her throughout the week.
Journey to Christmas Detail:
Movie: Journey to Christmas (2023)
Network: Great American Family Aka GAF
Director: Brian Brough
Writers: Missy Cohen-Fyffe, Brittany Wiscombe
Main Stars: Scott Christopher, McKenna Flory, Jeffrey Hanson
Genres: Drama, Family, Romance
Country: United States
Language: English
Release Date: October 29, 2023 (Great American Family)
Also known As: A Model Christmas, Journey to Christmas Movie, Journey to Christmas GAF
Journey to Christmas Cast:
Scott Christopher As Executive
McKenna Flory As Talia
Jeffrey Hanson As Max
Joey Heyworth
Brad Johnson As Kurt
Sarah Kent As Care Center Worker
Dave Martinez As Photographer
Savannah Meyer As Sales Associate
Melanie Nelson As Rose
Whitney Palmer As Holly
Charan Prabhakar As Podcast Interviewer
Yolanda Stange As Club Administrator
Shaunna Thompson As Peggy
Ash Tsai
Stacey Ann Turner As Ava
Caitlyn Varner As Sofia
Christmas film Journey to Christmas, premiering October 29 on 8/7c as a component of the Journey to Christmas line-up. Let’s get a first glimpse! It would have been awesome playing with the American team.