You should have gone for the head cost well we’re getting all the New Avengers: Endgame Deleted Scenes info and stuff about what was supposed to happen and the writers drop the nugget about Thanos versus delivering tribunal. That was supposed to happen after that snap. I’m gonna give you the details right now.
This week the writers have started telling us what was going on in the Marvel Universe. One thing that they deleted out of Avengers Infinity Gauntlet was right before Thanos did the snap they had a scene where it was gonna be Santos versus.
Avengers: Endgame Deleted Scenes
The Living Tribunal and what happened was delivering tribunal some insanity summons steno’s to judge his ass. Tell him that you know what brother we both to beat you up. This is Avengers: Endgame Deleted Scenes. We’re gonna punish your body.
You’re gonna feel massive pain and if you ever try to use this damn gauntlet again you’re gonna die and my real deal super comic book nerds with no there is a scene right out of the comics where all of these most powerful people exists called the super float.
In order to be there, you’ve got to be a fan you’ve got to be celestial powered eternity power Galactus power beyond the power Living Tribunal power. You can’t just be a Thanos. Especially Thanos without a gauntlet long story short they summoned his ass.
There they were all getting ready to wear him out and guess what the comic book did. I hope you know about this Avengers: Endgame Deleted Scenes. They threw a curve and they actually let Thanos beat the hell out of all them just to kind of give you a pun and say hey Thanos with that gauntlet is strong as hell but getting back to why they didn’t put panels versus a Living Tribunal.
Into the infinity god movie most likely it’s because a lot of people who are not following comics that just follow the MCU would have not known exactly. What the Living Tribunal is they wouldn’t have known that there is this big multiverse out there.
They wouldn’t know any of the backstory and all that so that’s probably why Marvel decided to dissent on that part of the story. Plus the movie was very long anyway and now I’m fine with it I would’ve liked to have seen it but now that Marvel is moving forward with the multiverse Doctor Strange.
They’re getting ready doing the Eternals movie which is probably going to have the Celestials in it and all that good stuff.
I’m fine within that way because now we’re getting ready to get into these super-powerful cosmic characters that are gonna require other cosmic characters to help whoever the superheroes team is winning and this is gonna be good. This is very close Avengers: Endgame Deleted Scenes. I can’t wait to see Galactus.
I can’t wait for them to pull out the Living Tribunal. I can’t wait for us to see a Beyonder. I can’t wait to see eternity you’re gonna start seeing these guys that have powers like gods. They blink the iron and a plane disappears so just get ready leave me your comments on if you would have wanted to know this.
Let me know what you think and are you excited for the new phase of Marvel over the next 10 years that’s gonna do it for this.