Rick and Morty: The Anime cast: Yohei Tadano, Keisuke Chiba, Akiha Matsui. Rick and Morty: The Anime Release Date: August 16, 2024 (Adult Swim). Rick and Morty: The Anime Episodes: 10. As previously mentioned the release date has been revealed but no release date has been set. However, it is likely that it will be released at the end of the year or the first half of 2024.
Rick and Morty: The Anime is an Animation-Adventure TV Series (2024). Yohei Tadano, Keisuke Chiba, Akiha Matsui are the main cast of Rick and Morty: The Anime (2024). The series is anticipated to air by Adult Swim on cable television and also on HBO Max on digital. However, there is no announcement from the company regarding the date when the show will be aired to the public. Rick and Morty: The Anime premieres on August 15th 2024 (Adult Swim).
The most intriguing aspect that is appealing about Rick and Morty is how the plot turns psychedelic. The scientist who is mad and his grandson are both enthralled by jumping into various realities, worlds and timelines. Yet, despite all this, Rick tries to maintain the boundaries of his bubble in order to maintain complete control of the Multiverse which is evident in the membrane referred to in the Curve.
Rick and Morty: The Anime Plot:
A cartoon series with 10 episodes inspired by “Rick and Morty”.
Rick and Morty: The Anime Detail:
TV Series: Rick and Morty: The Anime (2024)
Network: Adult Swim
Main Stars: Yohei Tadano, Keisuke Chiba, Akiha Matsui
Genres: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Science Fiction
Country: Japan
Languages: Japanese, English
Release Date: August 16, 2024 (Adult Swim)
Season: 1
Episodes: 10
Also known As: Rick y Morty el anime, Rick and Morty The Anime (2024)
Rick and Morty: The Anime Cast:
- Yohei Tadano As Rick Sanchez (voice)
- Keisuke Chiba As Morty Smith (voice)
- Akiha Matsui As Summer (voice)
- Manabu Muraji As Jerry (voice)
- Takako Fuji As Beth (voice)
The first trailers offered an glimpse of the direction Takashi Sano is planning to view the show in different perspectives over the 10 shows that he directs. There’s no official release date for the series as of yet, but the trailer seems like it will have plenty to make fans happy. Sano has also stated that it’s due to his passion for the series in general.
Here is the Trailer:
Additionally, we’re making the most of the fresh series in order to enjoy what we enjoy most: travel and meet in real time in person with Adult Swim fans! Keep an eye on the Rickmobile and Mortymobile since they’ll both tour across the country to celebrate the new chapter in our Rick and Morty universe.
To distinguish this adaptation of the anime from the original, Warner Bros. Discovery requested a recasting of the voice of the characters globally and not just in the Japanese language in which the characters will use their original voice that was cast. To translate the voice in Latin Spanish, this will be the cast, which is made by Mexican actors as well as Venezuelan actors.