Surviving the Sleepover is an American Thriller movie (2024). Surviving the Sleepover cast: Joshua Bertell, Jenna Hogan, Sloan Mannino. Surviving the Sleepover Release Date: March 23, 2024 (Lifetime).
Surviving the Sleepover Plot:
Hannah, an outspoken teenager, is invited to a sleepover by a popular girl. However she doesn’t know that the invitation was a prank. Hannah’s mom becomes her only chance to survive the night when things start taking a darker turn.
Surviving the Sleepover Detail:
Movie: Surviving the Sleepover (2024)
Network: Lifetime
Director: Patricia Frontain
Writer: Richard Pierce
Main Stars: Joshua Bertell, Jenna Hogan, Sloan Mannino
Genre: Thriller
Country: United States
Language: English
Release Date: March 23, 2024 (Lifetime)
Also Known As: Surviving the Sleepover, Surviving the Sleepover Movie, Surviving the Sleepover (2024)
Surviving the Sleepover Cast:
Joshua Bertell As Cameron
Jenna Hogan As Melissa
Sloan Mannino As Hannah
Dawn Marie As Jessica
Sage Moore As Abbie
Jennings Rice As Tracy
Abigail Villanueva As Charlotte